Thursday, March 22, 2007

Dear Hon’ble Chief Minister,

Sub: Gift of superior Skybus standard gauge metro rail – no viability gap funding from the state needed. Free Metro Rail by 2009- act now! Decision delayed is glory denied!

I find it amusing that you have been advised and led into starting long winding processes of taking up the unenviable task of filling up the bottomless pit, a financial black-hole, the metro rail line similar to Delhi one.

Even the World Bank, whom all over the planet the Governments seek, to sponsor un-remunerative projects, declares on website- they will not support such metro lines!

The transport experts, including those from railway expertise, on whom you are depending, are such that they enjoy mere expenditure, more of it the merrier - not known for producing returns!!! So long as government has easy funds, there is no problem. But health care, drinking water and drainage, roads are more urgent needs which will need government support and if you can get a solution saving Government funds for transport solutions- you should be happy.

It is truly amazing to expect a private party to stick its neck out, for the sake of viability gap fund from the Government. Experience of M/S UB Group, who are not small business people, in Bangalore, who suffered over 10 years, wasted money but finally got out cutting losses, should open eyes of the wise.

Why should you not take my offer: will deliver the standard gauge metro rail in the form of Skybus- a technically superior system with my design and value engineering- which makes the cost per kilometer drop to Rs 60 cr per km - will not need acquisition of built up precious urban land nor breaking hearts of business men along the route- safer system, with TUV Germany certification, included in the National Policy statement too,?

Just ask your experts to make a tabulation of the specifications of Skybus standard gauge metro rail posted at , and make a comparative statement, without adding their own prejudiced comments- track, structure, train control are all exactly the same!

For once think for yourself- not like many of our Government Babus, who are safer not taking a decision!

It is a pure business proposition- win-win strategy.

The pessimistic engineers, who have scant respect for Indian engineers and who delivered nothing in lifetime of their own, but become famous fast procuring and contract management experts with no respect for financing and viability, are good for Government funded open ended budget projects- where losses are palmed off back to the nation! If you have unlimited funds, that is the right kind of person for you, to spend and spend merrily, even after the project is over.

I give you an offer- my Laboratory can deliver the Skybus Standard gauge metro rail at 100 kmph, air-conditioned and with superior performance than what you are constructing/planning, both in capacity and safety, with the same standard safety certification applicable to metro rail systems- at Rs 60 cr per km in two years-

That is the precious Indian intellect which fills the viability gap of technologies in the world!

In March 2009 the Hon’ble CM with his colleagues can find themselves actually traveling in the World's leading Skybus technology- our own country’s contribution!

The technology risk, others tell you, does not exist because even the simple experimental set up I had constructed within 90 days in the Konkan Railway, which had a freak accident during an experiment before certification process, but has been running over the last two years after my own certification since Dec 2004.

In fact with only Rs 60 cr, my laboratory will complete one kilometer as model kilometer of the 10 km route you have chosen, and get the entire system certified- before the BOT operator spends more! The contracts with suppliers of equipment will be structured suitably as I did earlier.

Worst case scenario: If Dr Abdul Kalam, Dr Anil Kakodkar, Mr Rajaram Bojji all are proven wrong and TUV assessment also is incorrect, but only the arm chair spin doctors like the retired railway engineers and consultants prove right, and safety certificate tests fail for Skybus, then the State can still get the 3-lane fly over, the Sky-top, for diverting all autos taxis, cars, and two wheelers which constitute 90% of road traffic on the 10 km route section- the BOT operator then would have spent only Rs 30 cr per km but collect toll of say Rs 3 per unit of two-wheels, and will again handsomely recover his capital while the State also wins because they get the road totally decongested! This is the worst case scenario. But I am sure of delivering the Skybus- which makes the metro rail a reality and financially remunerative too in which case BOT operator will get all the 90,000 sq.m of Skytop for commercial use- an icing on the cake while the State gets world class metro technology, a comment by none other than Dr CK Prahlad on a visit to my first prototype.

Approaching Konkan Railway to whom I assigned my private research work patents, including Skybus, worth Rs 10,000 cr, will not help you. Because it was a private and personal work of mine; so technology vacuum has occurred after I left the place. Konkan Railway is my love and of course will involve them to the extent of any deliverable guaranteed technology (which they could not get because I had to leave) covered by patents which I assigned to them.

Hope you will have the wisdom to take this offer instead of getting stuck in a financial quagmarine that you are attempting to get in.

Observing the rules of governance, the state can call for open tenders with certain pre-qualification norms stressing on BOT experience, and choose two or three parties for delivering standard gauge metro Skybus type metro rail, offering the least land, but giving only the right of way and promising no viability gap funding- to deliver within two years safety certified metro rail for 10km route, time counted from the date concession agreement is signed. My laboratory will be the nominated technology deliverer assuring the safety certification of TUV Germany and will be paid by the BOT operator for delivery of technology. For the right of way a State agency can hold a nominal equity share of 5% of the SPV, formed by the BOT partner, while signing the concession agreement. As the inventor of the technology, I believe my laboratory is best equipped to deliver the promise. Till the process of selection of the BOT operator is complete and signing of the concession agreement, my Laboratory can be retained by the State, on payment of retainer fees, and once the SPV is formed, the project SPV will pay for the services of technology delivery, to my Laboratory. You can start with issue of letter of intent to my Laboratory to proceed.

If you are serious, please let your Chief Secretary find time to meet me in Hyderabad, before 15th April, or in Washington DC if it is later than 24th April 2007. I want to be sure that you are serious- which I want to ascertain this way- not a case of arrogance on my part. I have limited time and time is too precious for me- far more than money; so am trying to conserve the same only for serious achievers.

Please do not give instructions to your senior bureaucrats to call me for a meeting at your place.

You will be the gainer as much as your City, more than me!

It is your choice to imitate and get into a sure mess or lead the world boldly with glory to show case your achievement before next assessment of your work by people!

That too without spending public funds!

Yours sincerely,

B. Rajaram M. Tech., FIE., FNAE
Indian Railway Service of Engineers (1970-2005)
CE(Goa), Dir(Project) & MD Konkan Railway Corporation Ltd.,( 1990-2005)
Inventor & Mentor Anti-collision/Skybus Technologies
Director / Atri K E I Lab.(P) Ltd.,5-9-101/3, Public Garden Rd.,Hyderabad 500001 India
Fax: + 91 40 23234964 Ph: +91 40 64545659 USA: +1 703 586 9025FAX (USA) +1(425) 952-1732 Videos

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Blogger Tej barad said...

it's really very helpful to all .i will get it as my feature projects .it's really very fantastics job and idea.

7:32 AM  

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